luni, 21 iulie 2008

Why free css?

I saw some statistics from Google search about some keywords related to CSS.
Why there are over 200 000 of searches for keyword free css ,
whyle for free css templates is about 60 000 ?

vineri, 29 februarie 2008

I am romanian freelancer

I live in Bucharest, Romania. I have graduated Computer Science in 2006.
Now I am working as Asp.Net C# Freelancer.

Working as a web developer is really cool. I love to create new websites, new designs, learn about e-business, explore internet oportunities.

I have built a personal website: Which helps me a lot to promote my services.
It is not enouth to have a personal website, you also need to do some marketing.
You could view my marketing results by searching on google for "freelancer romania"
Yes, I am on the first page at this moment.

Live Search results from Microsoft also puts me on the first page

So to contact me just search for victorantos